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Nondisplaced fracture treatment | Healing time | Symptoms

Finding a good pace various sorts and names of bone break the influences the hand, wrist, leg, feet, spine, hip, and the lower leg.

Crack is a condition wherein there is a split or break on the congruity of a hard tissue in our body. This hard tissue is commonly represented by the bones. Different parts of the body that have bones have the tendency to suffer from a fracture injury under given instances and conditions.

To be able to better understand what bone fracture is, the following information and details would be helpful:

Nondisplaced fracture treatment | Healing time | Symptoms

Nondisplaced fracture classification

According to orthopedic medicine, there are three types of bone fracture: simple, compound, and compression fractures.

  • Simple Nondisplaced fracture – this is the type of fracture wherein the crack or break happens inside and does not show off on the skin’s surface. This is more commonly known as closed fracture. In its mild occurrences, an Nondisplaced fracture may just happen wherein the bone is not totally detached from the broken undisplaced bones.
  • Compound Nondisplaced fracture – this is the type of fracture wherein the crack or break on the bone surfaces on the skin, making the broken bones more susceptible to contamination and infection. This is also known as the open fracture.
  • Compression Nondisplaced fracture – occurs on the vertebrae. This condition is usually associated with osteoporosis wherein a certain part of the vertebra (usually the front portion) collapses due to the brittleness and susceptibility of the bones to fracture. The common picture of this type of fracture is an Nondisplaced fracture spine. Usually, non displaced fracture from compression happens when the patient has a disease such as osteoporosis. This is one of the common causes of undisplaced bone fracture in the spine.

There are still other types of bone fracture other than the three basic ones:

  • Complete Nondisplaced fracture – a complete break in the continuity of the bone.  This can be either a simple of compound classification of fracture. This is a completely displaced fracture, the exact opposite to Nondisplaced fracture.
  • Incomplete Nondisplaced fracture – there is a mild crack on the continuity of the bone. This is usually a nondisplaced fracture. At times, the break on the bone is hard to identify with just the use of an X-ray method and a CT scan would already be needed to see the severity of the condition.
  • Comminuted Nondisplaced fracture – this is the condition wherein the bone is broken into several pieces.

At the same time, bone fracture found in different parts of the body as already been further classified. Most of these bone fractures are named after the doctor that first identified the condition. At times, it is just named according to the area where the fracture occurs.

  • Nondisplaced fracture affecting the hands

There are three types of fracture that may affect the hands and these types are based on its location. These are finger fractures, metacarpal fractures (affecting the body of the hands), and scaphoid fractures (affecting the heel of the hands).

Whether the condition is a displaced or Nondisplaced fracture hand, the symptoms are usually the same. These are pain, swelling, deformity, and immobility. These are the most clear side effects in dislodged or undisplaced injury. The location of the fracture also affects the displaced or Nondisplaced fracture healing time.

  • Nondisplaced fracture that affects the wrist

The most common forms of wrist fracture are distal radial and ulnar styloid fracture. The carpal parts of the wrist may still suffer from fracture but this rarely happens. Still, whether the condition is a displaced or Nondisplaced fracture wrist, the fracture symptoms for this type are still pain and swelling. The basic identification that one is suffering from a fractured undisplaced wrist is the immobilization of the wrist part and may even bring about deformity of the same area, if the fracture is displaced.

  • Nondisplaced fracture of the leg

There are three parts of the legs: femur, tibia, and fibula.  The name of the types of leg fracture is named after the part that is broken. Thus it is called, tibial fracture of fibula fracture depending on the affected portion. Each of these parts may be subjected to fracture. But still, whatever part it may occur or whether it is a displaced or Nondisplaced fracture leg, it is still right to immediately see the doctor once the possibility of having a fracture is present.

  • Nondisplaced fracture of the foot

The foot has a total of 26 bones that may suffer from a fracture. The most common bones that would suffer from fracture in foot are the toes. But still, the same general procedure and treatments should be followed in treating a displaced or Nondisplaced fracture feet.

Other than these parts of the body, there are still other parts that may be affected with a fracture. This is important to know because there would be certain types of bone fracture treatment that is needed on a certain part. For example, a fractured hip would have a different procedure and treatment from a vertebral fracture. Thus, it is really important to know the location of the fracture.

Nondisplaced fracture Symptoms and Diagnosis

Whatever the form or location of the fracture may be, whether it is nondisplaced fracture or not, there are similar symptoms that would help us identify that there is already an occurrence of bone fracture. These symptoms are as follows:

  • Pain
  • Swelling
  • Deformity (in severe cases especially when it already involves displacement of the affected area)
  • Tenderness of the affected area
  • Difficulty to move

At the same time, the best way to identify a displaced or Nondisplaced fracture hip, leg, and other bones is through an X-ray method. In any forms of fracture, it is the X-ray procedure that is being used by the doctor to see the condition of the fractured area. However, there are also instances wherein this may be inadequate. In cases of an Nondisplaced fracture ankle, the help of a CT scan is more useful because it can really identify the condition of the fracture and what bone is affected. There are many types of ankle fracture and each of these parts would require different treatment procedures. Thus, it is just important to conduct this fracture diagnosis so that fracture complications may be avoided and the right form of fracture surgery, if needed, would be applied.

Immediate and temporary treatment procedures

The main causes of a broken ankle or whatever type of fracture are sudden forceful and high impact, stress, and medical conditions like osteoporosis. When these causes are already present, it is just right for the victim or anyone who see the incident to perform the necessary first aid procedure to avoid further damage.

First aid treatments for fracture would involve temporary splinting. This is a very helpful procedure because it would avoid further movement of the affected area which may just cause further complications. At the same time, it would also be helpful to take medicines that can help in contradicting pain and swelling.

Nondisplaced fracture Treatment

In any forms of fracture, there are two forms of procedures that are applied: surgical and nonsurgical procedure. For the nonsurgical procedure, the use of fracture cast is needed to support the affected area and bring back its natural alignment. Brace/braces would also help and support the body in naturally healing the affected area. The usual recovery time for this kind of procedure is up to 6 weeks. But still, this would change depending on the severity and location of the fractured bone and the capability of the individual to treat his own.

On the other hand, the use of fracture surgery depends on the type of the fracture, location, and condition of the individual. This can only be identified after the doctor has thoroughly seen the condition. In some cases, there are really no other options but to undergo a surgical procedure because this can only be the way on how to treat the bone fracture quick.

These and more details are what we need to know about fracture in general. Seeing the different types of fracture and knowing the minute details that we need to know are already helpful in preparing ourselves if ever such incidence would happen. The only important thing that we need to know about fracture is that when one is already suffering from its symptoms and has been through its causes, it is just right to immediately seek for the doctor so that there would be no further complications that one will suffer from.


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