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Metaphyseal Fracture Treatment | Metaphyseal Fracture Surgery

Metaphyseal fractures commonly happen in children not older than 2 years of age. The most susceptible are babies because they have softer bones and tissues that can be easily bruised or damaged. The areas that are most affected by this fracture are the limbs, usually occurring when you carry your baby the wrong way. Because of the soft tissues of the baby, metaphyseal fractures cannot be detected easily with common diagnostic methods that doctors used to detect bone problems. In addition, the age of the fracture of babies cannot be determined easily using radiographic aging. Guesswork is involved in identifying where the fracture came from if there is no apparent sign of mishandling.

Metaphyseal Fracture Types:

• Non-accidental trauma fractures. Pathognomonic fractures happen when the baby has been suddenly lifted or carried by the wrist or ankle. The weight of the body is at the limb junctures, where the fracture happens. Abusive child handling is also included as non-accidental metaphyseal fracture.

• Accidental Fractures. These happen during accidents wherein the fractures on the baby have not been instigated on purpose. The baby can inflict it on himself by forceful standing up or by experimenting with his limbs.

• Metaphyseal Bucket Handle Fractures. These are bone fractures that appear at the junction of the limbs. The armpit and ankles are examples of areas where this kind of fracture happens.

• Metaphyseal Corner Fractures. They appear at the limb and not on the connecting part. The part of the limb connected to the underarm is one possible area that can show signs of corner fracture.

Metaphyseal chip fracture, metaphyseal fracture distal radius, femur, radial, distal tibial.

Metaphyseal Fracture Treatment | Metaphyseal Fracture Surgery


The problem with the diagnosis of metaphyseal fracture is that the baby bruises can be associated with soft tissue bruising instead of fracture. A highly calibrated radiograph needs to be used to see the real problem. Normal radiographs will not work because they are calibrated to produce bone profile for adults. If the radiograph or X-ray will be calibrated, proper positioning should also be observed so that the cause of the problem can be identified. Diagnosis with the use of X-rays also depends on the positioning of the limbs. Usually, diagnosis is given after radiographs had been done on individual limbs. Rehabilitation or rehab is required.


• Improper child handling resulting to bruised tissues and metaphyseal bone fractures

• Putting the child in improper carrying units which put force to his limbs

• Accidental trauma

• Unexpected jerky movements

• Swinging the baby with the use of the ankles or wrists

• Incorrect weight alignment

Metaphyseal Fracture Symptoms

• The baby’s sensitive skin can show signs of swelling and bruising

• Pain can also be seen when the area is touched accidentally

• Fever and discomfort

Metaphyseal Fracture Treatment

Metaphyseal fracture may not need administrative methods to heal. Because the child’s body structure is still developing, it takes a shorter time for fractures to heal as compared with an adult. However, in the case of severe fracture, the baby needs to rest the affected area to prevent disunion and permanent displacement. The baby can also be subjected to correcting casts in case of a misaligned fracture. Non union fractures also need to be corrected before they prevent further development of the bones of the child. The child’s bones should be realigned early on while they are pliant. Milk and other calcium-enriched products should be given to the baby to facilitate bone development. New bone formation can be aided by preventing other bone injuries to the child.

Prevention of Metaphyseal Bone Injury:

To prevent metaphyseal fractures or injuries, the child must be handled correctly. The parents of the child should see to it that everyone who holds their child knows how to hold appropriately. The body of the child is sensitive to pressure and any form of force applied may show in form of bruises. Young bones and tissues can be broken easily due to their pliability. Knowing where to hold the child correctly will help prevent cases of fracture. If the child is to be put in a strap secured vehicle, his straps must not be too tight to prevent crushing of the bones and tissues in the limbs. A child that had been given enough milk will not be sensitive to fractures as other babies that are not provided proper amount of milk. Clothing the child with loose fitting clothes will also prevent unwanted application of force on the limbs. The baby should be under the supervision of an adult at all times to prevent him from inflicting damage on himself.

Metaphyseal Fracture Healing Time & Recovery Time: It can take longer than 8 weeks.

When to Call A Doctor

When you look at the child and see discomfort, the first thing that you need to do is see where pain is coming from. You can experiment by applying slight force on the sore area and see how the baby reacts. In case there is a swollen or bruised area, do not put any force on it but bring the baby to the hospital for checkup. Having a fever should be an indication that something is wrong with the child.


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