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Simple Fracture - Treatment | First Aid Steps | Healing Time

Fractures refer to a medical condition in which a bone breaks. Usually, fractures and fractures are often treated as different, but they are the same. If any of your bones have been hit by a strong force coming from outside, the result could be a crack or a fracture in your bone. The amount of force that the bone can take is only limited and when the force applied exceeds what the bones can take, a fracture can be expected. Although there are many different classifications, there are two basic classifications, which are also commonly used and will be discussed in this article.

Two basic types of fracture - classification of fracture

Simple fracture bone. This is the type in which the broken bone does not pierce the skin. In addition, the bone only breaks into two pieces and no more. The surrounding tissues of the broken bone are only slightly affected. It is also called a closed fracture.

Composite fracture bone. This is the type of injury in which the broken bone has passed through the skin, forming some wounds. That is why it is also called an open fracture. Compared to the simple fracture, the open wound has made it even more dangerous since the person suffering from it is exposed to infection by an external agent. Therefore, an operation is likely to be necessary to prevent the skin from becoming infected.

Simple bone fracture symptoms 

For a simple fracture, there are a couple of symptoms that you should consider so that you don't immediately worry about the type of fracture you have.

• swelling
• bruises
• Recurring and severe pain that never goes away so easily.
• The pale area surrounding broken bone.
• Tingling and numbness.
• A misplaced limb or joint
• Difficulty loading some weight.

For the composite fracture, all other symptoms apply, except that there is only one obvious thing that makes the difference evident: an overhanging bone that cuts through the skin. There are cases in which the bone can no longer be seen peeking through the injured skin, but the perforation of the bone would visibly leave an open wound. The broken bone could have left the skin, but it recovered. The wound is reason enough to worry about exposure to an infection that can be caused by dirt, debris, and many other external elements.

Fracture first aid steps for a broken bone
Fracture first aid steps for a broken bone

Fracture first aid steps for a broken bone

In order not to make the fracture worse, first aid treatment should be applied. People who have no knowledge about it should not move or touch the person in any way to avoid additional complications.

1. Evaluate the bone fracture and locate where it is.
2. Do not allow the person to move or move to avoid worsening the injury.
3. Realign the fracture if necessary.
4. Clean all wounds.
5. Take off tight clothing or jewelry so blood flows better. Broken bones need more blood to reach them.
6. Verify the circulation, movement, and sensation in the surrounding area of the fractured bone.
7. Make a splint for the fracture.
8. Do step six again.
9. Place the bone lesion in elevation of six to ten inches to avoid too much swelling.
10. Place a cold compress on the bone lesion, but make sure there is no risk of freezing.
11. Monitor the possible download. Prevent shock by letting the person lie on a flat surface but raise the feet twelve inches above the head. Use a blanket or coat to cover the head, but be careful when moving the head, especially with injuries to the back, head or neck.
12. If the person is not in shock, give ibuprofen to relieve pain.
13. Evacuate.

Simple broken bone fracture treatment and simple bone fracture healing time

Simple bone lesions are treated quite easily than compound fractures. What makes the latter more complex and more urgent is the wound that must be addressed immediately. There are certain problems related to bone fractures. The person could suffer the danger of blood loss, bone growth retardation and possible organ injuries.

Simple fractures would still need a lot of medical attention since such a fracture can also be considered harmful when broken bones move unnecessarily. In most cases, this type of fracture will need ice, pain relievers, elevation, and reinforcement. If an operation is needed, this could be done to align the bones and hold them in place. The limbs would be secured with a bandage before applying the wet cast for casting. For the expected swelling, the plaster can be divided into two but wrapped with another layer of plaster outside.

Simple fracture healing time, recovery time: it can take more than 8 weeks.

On the other hand, compound fractures should have wounds cleansed well before the person should be brought to the operating room. The cleansing will try to remove debris, dirt or any other elements that might infect the wound. Immobilization is also needed to give the bones some time to heal on their own. This might use external or internal splints plus plates and screws if the fracture is even more severe.


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