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Smith Fracture Treatment | Smith Bone Fracture Surgery

Smith fracture was named after Robert William Smith, the person responsible for the book detailing the different kinds of leg and arm fractures resulting from accidents. The book was published 1847 and has been recognized in the field of medicine as the main reference for this fracture. Strictly speaking, Smith fracture causes the displacement of the palmar region due to the fracture of the diatal portion along the radius of the wrist. It is also known as reverse Colle’s fracture and sometimes called reverse Barton’s fracture.

This kind of fracture is not as common as other fractures. However, it also has the probability to happen. Mild cases of this fracture are at times reported, but all of them can be treated with rest and simple bone realignment. Very few instances need to undergo surgery. This kind of injury is commonly stable and will only need casting for all cases to prevent further damages.

Smith’s Fracture Classification – Types of Smith Fracture:

Displaced Smith Fracture Wrist: This is the more dangerous and seriously damaged type of fracture. It is during this condition that the wrist joint is displaced forward, making the ball unable to move to some angles. The supervision of a doctor is needed in realigning the fractured bone.

Non-displaced Smith Fractures: It is commonly known as mild fracture and can be treated with casts. As soon as the problem is diagnosed and immediate attention is given, the fractured region can heal in a few weeks.

Smith Fracture Treatment | Smith Bone Fracture Surgery


Colle’s fracture is inversely related to Smith fracture, which will be proven by the diagnosis. The cause of Colle’s fracture is when the person falls with extended wrists whereas Smith fracture happens when the wrists are flexed. Smith fractures happen when the displacement of the wrist is dorsal in comparison with the ventral displacement of Colle’s. X-rays, CT scans or MRI will be used depending on the severity of the fracture. Rehabilitation or rehab is required here.

Smiths Causes:

Smith’s fracture has only one major cause and it could be from falling with the wrists flexed. The forearm bone can also be injured in the process. The fracture happens when the person uses his open wrist to seek leverage during the fall but comes up with none. All the weight of the falling body is focused on the arm region, especially the joint. Because of this, as the body falls, the acceleration of gravity leads to stronger force acting upon the weight. As the wrist comes in contact with the ground, the sudden opposite force acting on it will lead to the fracture. Smith broken leg can occur when the weight is upon the leg.

Smith’s Fracture Symptoms:

• Displacement of the bone

• Dorsal disposition such that the joint is displaced forward

• Pain

• Cracking noise created by fractured bones

• Signs of fever hours after the injury has happened

Smith Fracture Treatment

Smith fracture can be cured by aligning the bones with a cast. In cases when falling off from a high place results to such condition, the patient will need to lie down and refrain from applying force to the damaged region. Failure to reconnect the bones will lead to a permanent dislocation that cannot be treated with medication.

If the Smith bone fracture did not lead to a displaced joint, a cast can be used to cure it. Realigning the smith broken leg bones happens while the cast is put on. The cast should not be taken off until instructed but the doctor will be the one to remove it because another x-ray will be taken to check if the wrist has completely healed. For the pain and swelling to subside, antibiotics and painkillers can be given. The dosage is dependent on the complications, symptoms and the tolerance of the body. Smith’s fracture reduction is another procedure. Emedicine is important too.

Prevention of Smith’s Bone Injury

Smith’s bone injuries happen because the person falls on the back of his hand. The fracture cannot be actually prevented because smith injury is caused by accident or unexpected events. If climbing up a high area is inevitable, make sure the arm and leg joints are protected. A pad can also be placed at the bottom of the joint so that in case the fall happens, the pad cushions the fall. Accidental falling should be given first aid. The dislocated region must not be touched or straightened out so that no further dislocations happen. The doctor will be the one to take care about the aligning of bones. In severe cases, it is important that you keep the patient on a steady stretcher until the medical team arrives.

When to Call A Doctor

First aid can be applied by anyone with the right knowledge about how to treat Smith fracture. Paramedics and emergency teams can be called in case someone falls off a tree or building and demands help. Note that not all occurrences of falling will result to Smith fracture. The paramedics will determine whether the supervision of a doctor is needed. During normal circumstances, a fracture can be fixed by a medical assistant but if there had been a loud crack and pain when the part is moved, the immediate attention of a doctor is needed.


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