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Why Broken Bones Heal Stronger?

When you fell and you felt pain in your arms or any a part of your body, you ought to consider having it checked by a doctor. you'll have already got a broken bone or bone fracture. Bone fracture refers to the medical condition wherein the patient or a person concerned has encountered a broken bone.

There are talks about whether broken bones heal stronger, stronger than the first ones. this is often also one among the items which will be discussed later within the article to possibly contemplate whether the talks are true or not.

Types of Injury that Cause Broken Bones

There are three main reasons why a fracture might happen to an individual . These are all the kinds of injuries classified into three main categories for there are truly many reasons why an individual might break a bone.

High-energy injury. Broken bones are caused by a really strong interaction that also made a big impact on the bones. This category would come with falls, sports injuries, and car accidents. Injuries caused by these also are dubbed as traumatic fractures.

Pathologic injury. A pathologic fracture is caused by another problems with the body like certain diseases. These are broken bones triggered by osteoporosis, infections, and tumors.

Stress injuries. These are the factors that impose repetitive microtrauma to the bone. These factors are silently making an impression on the bones until the poor bones couldn't take the impacts any more . No sudden changes are often observed but the condition of the broken bones eventually becomes worse as time passes by.

Common Types of Bone Fracture

Bone fracture may happen to a person of any gender and at any walk of life. what is going to be discussed here would be the foremost common sorts of bone fracture.

a. Stress fracture

What it is. it's basically an overuse injury. Microtrauma is inflicted on the bones which weaken them eventually when the bones can not put up with each shock. This usually happens to bones within the lower legs, foot or the shin bone. Athletes and marching soldiers are the standard victims of this fracture.

Diagnosis. The doctor has got to study your history and therefore the results of your physical exam. A bone scan is additionally done occasionally just for further confirmation.

Treatment. The patient needs rest, anti-inflammatory medication, and ice. The broken bones may take a healing time of six to eight weeks. so as to avoid re-injury, it's advisable to form the fractured bones take a rest or there could be a risk of the injury extending all throughout the whole bone.

b. Rib fracture

What it is. an immediate blow to the ribs is all it takes for any of the bones to urge injured. an individual with a rib injury would find it hard to require deep breaths which could possibly cause pneumonia, shortness of breath, cough, and fever. this is often because without taking deep breaths, the lungs would be exposed to infection. Unlike other broken bones, you can't relax your ribs for you continue to got to take deep breaths.

Diagnosis. rather than rib x-rays, chest x-rays are usually taken so as to form sure that the lungs are still safe and haven't collapsed or bruised.

Treatment. so as to assist the ribs heal, it's recommended to place ice to the chest wall, take deep breaths, and take anti-inflammatory drugs and pain reliever. The patient would need to suffer four to 6 painful weeks.

c. Compression fracture

What it is. An example of this fracture is that the fracture to the spine, more specifically the lumbar or thocacic spine. Such fracture is typically caused by aging and diseases like osteoporosis that diminishes the calcium content of the bones. Pain is typically felt by patients especially with every movement.

Diagnosis. this will be detected by using an x-ray, CT scan or MRI so as to see the medulla spinalis for possible injuries.

Treatment. this will be treated with vertebroplasty, a brace plus pain medication. Vertebroplasty may be a procedure that consists of inserting some glue-like materials into the collapsed spinal vertebra in order that when the glue hardens, it'll act because the cast which will stabilize the weakened bone.

d. Skull fracture

What it is. this is often usually caused by a head injury. Although the skull may be a hard and compact bone, there's still an opportunity of it cracking which is dangerous as this might mean possible bleeding within the brain.

Diagnosis. CT scans are usually done to see the extent of the damage. The doctor will examine the scalp and therefore the skull closely and see if there's blood behind the ear drum. A neurologic exam can also be necessary.

Do Broken Bones Heal Stronger?

When bones actually become fractured and healed from it, there are still differing answers. There are some people that would say that if the bones are healed well, there's an opportunity that they're going to grow even stronger than the first ones. However, there also are others who would claim that's broken bones are healed, they could become as strong because of the original ones with the passage of your time but maybe not stronger.


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