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Segmental Fracture Treatment | Segmental Bone Surgery

In the case of a bone fracture, when there are pieces of the bone that have separated from the main fractured bone, a segmental fracture is present. It is also called a comminuted fracture because it has its characteristic as having complete bone pieces that are separated. It very well may be brought about by injury or extreme mishaps that include the significant bones. There are different methods that can be used to treat the fracture, depending on how severe the damage has been. In case of multiple bone damage, the best way to cure a segmental fracture is by open surgery.

Segmental Fracture Types

Segmental fractures of different areas of the body can happen. Examples of these fractures are tibia fibula fracture, talus fracture, neck fracture, arm fracture, and fractures involving other parts. The two most common types of all fractured segmental bones are the following:

Open Segmental Fractures. Open segmental fractures have pieces that have broken away from the main fractured bone. Some of the pieces may protrude from the skin and cause infection or further damage to the person once not cured immediately.

Closed Segmental Fractures. This kind of fracture is confined to the inside of the skin where the fragments of the bone detach but do not pierce the skin.

A common type is segmental fracture tibia.

Segmental Fracture Treatment | Segmental Bone Surgery


A segmental fracture can only be tracked after an x-ray has been shown. Magnetic resonance imaging can also be employed so that a clear rendering of the image can be seen. These are two of the popular methods used to identify the presence of a segmental fracture along with a physical examination. Should there be any preliminary sign of bruising around the area, there need to be different angular x-ray shots to see the damage. In the case of MRI use, the doctor can diagnose the problem with the use of a single rendered image graphed in 3D. Rehabilitation or rehab is important.


Experiencing a traumatic experience may lead to a segmental bone fracture, especially if there was a severe blow that was inflicted to an area of the body. Fractures involving the femur, tibia fibula and other parts of the body may result from a severe accident. One case has been reported involving a tractor accident where the leg of a man has been run over. Other causes of the fracture include over fatigue resulting from forceful work and repeated running.


Segmental Fracture Symptoms

• Swelling

• Pain

• Difficulty in moving the affected area

• Tender spots and bruises

• Occasional and recurring fever

Segmental Fracture Treatment

There are different treatments for segmental fracture. The most common is to have an internal fixation. With this process, the bones are screwed in place with the aid of pins and plates to keep them from misaligning again. With this method, the bones will be realigned and a segmented portion may be cast with bone cement to replace the bits that have fallen off. To prevent any tissue or muscle from being damaged, the small bits need to be removed from the system. Open surgery can be used in case many fragments are seen in the x-ray. Internal fixation is also recommended in cases where there are previous conditions involving the bones. Intramedullary nailing can also be employed in the fractured bone to keep the bones in place. Invasive plate fixation is another method that employs screws and plates. Simultaneous correction is sometimes used in cases wherein the proximal and distal shafts of the bones will be stabilized while the segmented part will be screwed.

Sometimes surgery may include external fixator-assisted correction for minimal plate intrusion. Two stages of surgery was the previous answer to this kind of fracture but with the advent of technological methods that allowed simultaneous correction, union and stabilization of the damaged bones as well as a single open surgery can be used.

Prevention of Segmental Bone Injury

Avoiding extreme movements that will require dependence on the bones can prevent cases of segmental bone injuries to happen. In case the bone density is low, it is recommended that you drink enough calcium-enriched milk and other forms of supplements. In addition, being careful when it comes to heavy equipments that can harm the bones during an accident should be done. Prevention can never be effective if one is not careful enough.

When to Call a Doctor

At the early signs of a fractured segmental bone, you can consult with your doctor. Pain and swelling may be seen as well as bruises around the area. If you try to move the part and find it difficult to do so, there is definitely a fracture there. Be careful not to move the fractured part so that no segmented bones will be displaced. This can prevent any further damage as well. If the bones are not in place, they may harm the nearby tissues and nerves, which can cause serious damage. 


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