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Stable Fracture Treatment | Stable Bone Fracture Surgery

There are two main types of fractures- unstable and stable. Unstable fracture changes its inclination or size while healing whereas a stable fracture stays functional even while healing. It is easy to see that stable fractures are common fractures that come from different causes.

Definition: Stable fracture is the internal breaking of bones without breaking through the skin or without damaging any neighboring cell or tissue. In terms of seriousness, stable fractures are practically harmless and can be treated with a few days of rest.

Stable Fracture Classification – Stable Fracture Types

Simple Stable Fractures: The simple fracture is the mildest form of fracture. In this condition, the bones are slightly broken but are still aligned. No damage is done on the skin and a slight fever is the only clue of its existence.

Compound Stable Fractures: This is a form of fracture that is minutely misaligned. No part of the bone is sticking out of the skin but during x-ray, the displacement of the fractured bones can be seen.

Smooth Stable Fractures: The fractured bones are not jagged hence, the possibility of severing any form of muscle or tissue is nearly impossible.

Rough Stable Fractures: The bones are sharp and the ends are jagged, causing natural realignment to have an offset. There are cases wherein rough fractures damage tissues, but stable fractures can be immediately put to cast to prevent further tissue injuries.

It can be a stable fracture vertebrae or ankle.

Stable Fracture Treatment | Stable Bone Fracture Surgery


Because stable fractures will only show minor physical signs of fracture, it is hard to determine whether there is damage or not. Usually the doctor will diagnose a stable fracture upon seeing the results of the x-ray examination. In the x-ray, the fractured bone can be clearly seen and the type of fracture can be determined easily. It is standard operating procedure for medical practitioners to do x-ray examinations on people who may have fractures and internal injuries. Treatment procedures will be based from the results of the x-ray. Rehabilitation or rehab is essential.


Stable fracture can be caused by too much pressure or lack of calcium deposits in the bones. Once any part of the body is subjected to pressure beyond its capacity, it has no choice but to bend and eventually break because the stress and tension forces are not equally distributed. The tolerable force that the bone can withstand depends on how strong the bone is. Compact bones will be able to carry more weight when compared to weak and hollow ones. The bones need calcium to stay compact and strong but if there is not much calcium deposits, the bones will only be able to withstand minimal force when force is applied to it. Stronger bones will be able to withstand more force.

A condition called osteoporosis is a form of bone degenerating diseases that can lead to the deterioration of the bone in the spinal column which can eventually lead to a humped posture that is irreversible. Trauma to the spinal column also leads to a stable bone fracture, although minimally. Blunt force applied to the spinal column can lead to rough fractures in the area that can be harmful to the lungs and other vital organs.

Stable Fracture Symptoms

• Pain and swelling in the fractured area

• Signs of fever

• Movement difficulties

• Tender spots

Stable Fracture Treatment:

Normally a stable fracture does not have to be given any medication. However, if the doctor advices the use of casts, it is best to follow the doctor’s recommendation. The fracture will not displace any part of the arm or leg but if it is not safely casted, further damage may lead to unstable fracture.

A simple stable fracture takes little time to heal, but with the aid of calcium-enriched food, the bones can be strengthened. Milk that is rich in calcium is often recommended as the supplementary drink for those that have fracture. In case of emergency during rough and compound fractures, the area needs to be secured by a tight, straight strip of stiff cloth or wood to prevent it from misaligning.

Stable Fracture Healing Time & Recovery Time: It generally takes longer than 1 month.

Prevention of Stable Bone Injury

Preventing stable bone injuries from happening will require timing and precision. For instance, since one cannot predict when a fall might happen, it is enough to keep a first aid kit ready in case of an emergency. The first aid kit must contain bandages, tourniquet, and painkillers. Additional aids can be applied in case there is a minor accident. A home-made cast can also be supplied so that the fractured area will no longer be displaced any further.

When to Call a Doctor

There is no need to call the doctor immediately, but if you are not sure about the kind of fracture after an accident, it is best to seek the opinion of a specialist. What is difficult is that the symptoms of serious internal fractures can be mistaken as that of stable fractures. If there is any sign of fever and joint pains, the doctor should be consulted.


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